Jock Itch- A Great Book To Read This Summer
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I just finished a book that’s a great read while you are on vacation or between games at the CWS laying around the pool or in the hotel. “Jock Itch: The Misadventures of a Retired Jersey Chaser”. The book is a quick read and very entertaining. It’s about actress Rosa Blasi and her love affair with athletes that started in high school. The crazy thing is she did not like sports and knew very little about sports for years. She just fell for the guys.
She takes you through a string of boyfriends until she finally marries a New York Giant football player. The book offers a different look at the inside lives of some of the ball players. She uses few real names but it’s not to hard to find out the name of the guy she marries.
One of the funnier parts of the book is when she is invited by a player to go on a yacht cruise. The boat was owned or rented by Derek Jeter. As everyone was leaving the cruise Derek was telling them all goodbye and Rosa was trying to think of something nice to say to him so when it was her turn to tell him goodbye she says very sincerely “I hope you get to play next year”. Derek busts out laughing and said he hopes he gets to play to. It was not until she got home and googled his name that she realized she had made herself look really stupid in front of him.
She had always dated guys that barely made the team and did not know he was a superstar.
I think you will find this paperback a good read. Click here to check it this great read.